Security Checklist


  • Avoid the transfer of secrets over the network.
  • Avoid storing secrets in the client app configs
  • Use nonce’s and/or ephemeral tokens to decide and move through instructions between devices
  • Add in some form of 2FA (TOTP, HOTP) for critical actions.
  • When using logging services, make sure the log context and stack are masked if using a public log (ElasticSearch + LogStash = Log4j incident)
  • Add in a rate limiter for basic DOS attack
  • Add in a rolling blacklist for IP’s to mitigate a DDOS (it’s for mitigation, cause it’s hardly ever avoidable)
  • If possible add in a secure REDIR DNS provider, one of which is Cloudflare
  • Make sure your compute instances aren’t exposed to the public network and are only accessible in the VPC / VPN area