Mentality and Expectations

Developer’s Mentality and Expectations

Fountane works with a lot of tech stacks, and a lot of them have the programming language in common, but this also means that you can’t tie yourself to a single tech stack.

We think that a simple change in mentality should help you grow both as a developer and as a person at Fountane.

Be collaborative

It’s okay to ask for help; it always has been. Though it’s more efficient to spend a little time researching by yourself before you jump into asking someone for help.

You are free to do peer programming sessions with other developers of the same team to help speed up work.

Though, if you aren’t a peer programming person, you can always work solo, but do let the team know what’s going on. The entire organization works based on planning and risk management, and for that, we need to know about the risks a few days in advance.

Be a Learner

It’s okay if you don’t understand or know about the latest and greatest technology, but be open to at least understanding what problem the new technology solves. A lot of the new technology doesn’t really solve much, but it’s part of the trend, so it’s marketed as the best solution there is.

Remember, technology doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all solution, and you, as a developer, We need to keep learning about everything to be able to make decisions on when to use what and when to avoid it.

Understand the solution to the problem. Understand the problem. Don’t implement things blindly and keep learning things as they come.

Solve problems

That’s the primary job; that’s the sole reason you are here. Though, the Expectations change slightly based on your experience.

We still expect you to be a problem solver first. To do that, you have to take ownership of whatever you are doing and what others on the team are also doing.

Delegating something doesn’t free you of ownership, and you are still to take responsibility for the software’s quality.

The end goal is always to get a product that’s reliable. For that to happen You’ll often have to sit down and solve emotional problems to move. forward so the team doesn’t run in circles.