DevOps at Fountane

The current state of Fountane LLC includes being able to pick up tasks with regards to developer operations when required.

The overall work involves being able to work with the following tech

  • Gitlab Runners
  • Ansible
  • Jenkins

These are basic building blocks of how things run in Fountane. I’ll go in deeper as to how each is being used and then we’ll look at things you should learn to help improve and make it simpler for when yo do dev in fountane.

Existing Automations

Most existing automations use Gitlab Runners to act as the interface between the final artifact and the developer’s workflow. In very few cases do we have a jenkin’s webhook that handles talking with external services and servers because it’s easier to configure to Jenkins to handle external nodes and connections. We’ll get to these cases but for now let’s look at the automations in place.

The web uses Gitlab Runners to test, build and deploy the artifacts to Firebase and this is the general flow and very easily replicable. As to why we use Firebase hosting; It’s being done to make use of the Firebase Preview Channels which have a better integration with Gitlab as compared to the competitors and most of our original projects are on the Google Cloud so it was even easier to make sure the assets were encrypted and sent from the cloud storage as CDN. This is no more required and it’s just pushing the bundled website assets to firebase.

Back office
Coming oto the backend, this is more complicated setup since each project has it’s own arch in terms of code and there’s differences between single repository based setups and monorepos with multiple backoffice modules.

In these cases, most automations are run on Jenkins where you might need a persisited disk to be able to run generations and tests but if there’s no need for any large codegen and you just need to run tests, you can just use Gitlab for this as well. Though remember to create the automations as pipelines so there’s a Test stage run before the Deploy Stage. We normally do not allow production deploys to be automatic and instead to be manually triggered on Gitlab / Jenkins so there’s someoneto monitor the result of the deploy and rollback if needed.

Some even older projects which didn’t get the attention to move to CI use the classic git clone technique to deploy and use PM2 to keep the service alive.

The setup for this is mostly based on Fastlane and that is the tech that handle multi account certificates and provisioning profiles for iOS builds. The keystore for Android is handled by adding it to a vault and then retreiving it from that vault. In the current setup the vault is just a repository in the project repository group.

The remaining of the automation of building and pushing is as follows.

  • You create a version tag with .dev- in the tag, it create a development build for you and then uploads the artifact to and the link is then posted to the requested Slack channel.
  • You create a version tag without a .dev- in the name and it’ll create a production build.
    • iOS: uploads the artifact to TestFlight
    • Android: uploads the artifact to Gitlab Artifacts > Download the Artifact and add it to the Internal Track on the Google Play Store.

The reason for the Android to have a harder flow is because of the number of clients and managing their google play service credential file for each client since there isn’t a proper vault service in Fountane yet.


The Infrastructure providers for Fountane are basically the following.

  • GCP - Older Clients
  • AWS - Newer Clients / Clients that ask us for AWS
  • Digital Ocean - Development Boxes

When working with companies of different levels you often have this uncertainity of where things might get deployed and so fountane tries to avoid writing anything specific to a certain platform.

This avoids having to fight with the plaform when migrating from dev boxes to the actual production boxes. Docker is also something we use to make sure we can make sure of containerised boxes and so codebases are to make sure they can be dockerised if the target environment is unknown.

Learning Roadmap

To learn and understand the above and even improve on what’s already present. Here’s the roadmap to it.


  • Bash scripts - Every automation starts with getting some basic shell scripting to work locally which can then be transferred to Gitlab/Jenkins/Ansible/etc. We try to avoid platfrom specific utils unless required.
  • sed / awk - You’ll almost always need ways to be able to update or subsitute text programmatically when working with different versions of outputs that are needed, so learn these.
  • unix shell movement - If you aren’t able to move around the shell as needed, you might have a hard time too. Learn how to change directories, find required binaries and learn to work with the PATH variables as needed.


  • NodeJS - Understand the basic structure of how to get a basic nodejs application running and serving something. This could be as simple as a REST API that can handle the request for /ping with a response of {“pong”:true}
  • YAML - Configurations for both Gitlab and Ansible require you to understand how YAML’s work. We’ve various configurations where we use Yaml inheritence and extensions to make DRY configurations.
  • Python/Ruby - Not completely needed but knowledge of the basic syntax should help you pick up and write automation scripts for quiet a few scenarios

Version Management

  • Git - Source code level version management, this requires the basic of how to mirror, revert, add commits to a Git Repository. You should be able to do basic time travel in a git repository and understand how reference tagging works to be able to create checkpoints in the repositories that you work with.
  • rbenv - This is required for the Mobile automations where we have different Ruby versions in different React Native projects and in an ideal scenario these should all be same, sometimes they aren’t so you should learn how to setup, and change ruby versions on both Linux and Mac.
  • nvm - The same as above but for NodeJS, we have projects that date back to being written with NodeJS 10, and sometimes need maintenance work. Understand the quirks of being able to use nvm on different systems.

Versioning Standard

Fountane’s version management in SemVer Compliant. Which to be simplified means that there’s 3 possible increments.

  • Major - A breaking change or a complete revamp of the the UI/Features
  • Minor - There was a change but this change doesn’t break backwards compatibility
  • Patch - You fixed a bug that doesn’t make a big difference to the original feature set

You can read more about it on Release Cycles


  • Ansible - Ansible is probably the most battle tested setup that exists in terms of provisioning normal VM’s and there’s a lot of those that we have in Fountane. You might want to at least create a few Ansible configurations to handle deployment to different SSH targets while also being able to install and setup any dependencies on them. This could include Docker, Docker Compose, Nginx, etc.
  • Docker & Docker Compose - While most projects do not use docker to be the builder, it does use docker-compose to be able to provision services to help with development. Though it’s always nice if the developer is writing the whole backoffice/frontend while keeping it’s containerisation in mind. Your task as a DevOps engineer would be to be familiar with layering, containers and how to make sure there’s a separation of services on an overall application layer. This should help you convince the developer to decouple code to run in any environment available online today (VM, Serverless Singlets, Containerisation Services,etc).


You need to know how to expose the application to the world without exposing all the ports of the system, so you need to understand how proxies work and the following are proxies used by fountane based on the infrastructure of the application.

When working with simpler projects we just use Nginx/Caddy to handle the routing to the application running with something like PM2 or Docker’s process management.

When working with a more complicated app which will have more than one backoffice, these proxies can be used as the API gateway and load balancer to redirect to the required service if running everything in one VM. Otherwise you can use the API Gateway / Mesh of the platform that you are working with (AWS, AZURE, etc)


  • Nginx - Required
  • Traefik + Docker - Required
  • Caddy - optional


Next up, understand how to make the server secure. You can keep the dev server relatively open but keeping a production server open is a bad idea. Learn about how to make DMZ’s with the platform that you are working with. This might differ in name but they all have the same theoretical purpose which is to limit who/what can access the network in which the app is running.

For Example, AWS calls these VPC’s and you add in the VM, Storage and DB into this VPC and they can only talk to each other and nothing outside the network can access them. You can also add in a VPN that connects to this VPC so you can get SSH access to these VM’s.

While SSH is secure, it’s not very hard to replicate. You are one leaked private key away from loosing everything. DMZ’s are added friction so that the leak cannot hurt you unless your IAM was given access to the VPC.


These are collection of things I wish fountane could do in terms of automation.

Hermetic Builds

It’s a glorified way of saying that builds are as close to each other no matter the time of building. a.k.a, I should be able to create a build in 10 years and the output would still be the same it was when it was created. This is currently very hard with the versioning methods used by different languages and because of the dependence on external services but for tiny core packages built at fountane, this should be something we end up doing.

The current solution that the research team is researching on is called Nix and this could solve the supply chain dependencies for binaries and language binaries by using strict hashes and environments.

Preview Environments

Something that we love from Vercel is the ability to have isolated app archives for both backend and frontend when using Next.js , this is also possible to be done with the server/api/client architecture and we’d like to set that up in the future.

The current solution is to make use of isolated docker setups aligned to a preview domain that can be used for both QA and hermetic reviews

Hosted Wiki

We are using various platforms for documentation and wiki and the current solution might be confluence but then it’s different for how we write out websites and everything.

The idea is to host something like Ghost or BCMS to handle the website content for all websites and sync them with code. The requirements are the following.

  • Content changes can be done by the authorized personnel
  • The changes need to be saved on flat files, (markdown / html) but needs to be flat files
  • being able to run auto deploys on the same for every change.